25 years experience
0 projects worked
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
$30 /hr
$0 earned
Administration and ManagementEducation and TrainingIntell AnalysisPersonal SecuritySurveillance and Countermeasures
Jens Schlegel is a veteran security professional with over 22 years of experience. He began his career in the Germany Armed Forces. Jens served multiple tours in Kosovo, Bosnia, and Afghanistan during his military career before leaving the service in 2007. While in the military, Jens developed expert skills in evaluating and conducting secure operations, which led him to a new career in private security.
As a private security professional, Jens worked as a contractor in the Middle East with rapid response teams and personal protection details. His leadership skills allowed him to oversee and lead teams of security professionals while working in these roles. Throughout his career, Jens was rewarded for his excellence with increasingly important assignments.
He was chosen as an embedded advisor and trainer for the Special Operations Command of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces then Jens worked as a weapons handling instructor for the Urban Area Special Operations at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in Amman, Jordan. He led a team as the Regional Security Manager for South Sudan and East Africa before working in Azerbaijan as the Chief Instructor and Training Manager for the Advanced Special Forces.
Jens launched Special Solution Consultancy, also known as S2, as specialty security company working with private clients, businesses, and government agencies throughout the world. Over the years, S2 has grown into one of the most highly respected security firms in the world with global clients and operations.